
Tax Return for the year ended 5 April 2025.
This is a printed version of the information that will be transmitted to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) once authorised by you. Before transmitting the return information to HMRC using the Online Service, your tax agent must provide you with a copy of your tax return information. Before your return information can be sent to HMRC, you must send your tax agent confirmation in writing that the return information is correct and complete to the best of your knowledge and belief. Your written confirmation may be in electronic or non-electronic form. If you confirm that this copy of your tax return information is correct and complete and it contains false information or you conceal any part of your income or chargeable gains, you can be prosecuted. You may also have to pay substantial financial penalties. It is
recommended that you retain this copy.
Where your return contains nomination details to enable a repayment to be sent to a bank, building society or other nominee, the receipt of these nomination details will be taken to be your formal approval of the nomination.

I confirm that I advised my tax agent on  that this copy of my tax return information is correct and complete and authorised them to submit my return information using the Online Service.


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Document name: FK_Declaration - Financial Konsultant
lock iconUnique Document ID: df08b168a31235454f9eac8390bd18022feed333
Timestamp Audit
18 July 2024 12:58 pm GMTFK_Declaration - Financial Konsultant Uploaded by Anna Todorova Atanasova - IP